Grace – Youth Transition Stories

Youth Transition Stories

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Currently Work? Yes!
Top Skills: Social, Empathetic, Engaging, Nurturing

Many families report that the loss of daily interactions with high school friends can be one of the most difficult aspects of transition. Grace came to VFPS motivated to work but her team also knew that it would be important to have volunteer and social opportunities built in to Grace’s weekly schedule.

The VFPS team worked closely with Grace, her parents and her teachers to identify her strengths: she is a very social, empathetic, engaging, nurturing and caring individual. Her 3 job placements (at 2 local restaurants and an assisted living facility) are a good fit for Grace. But what about the rest of her weekly schedule?

Prior to the end of the school year, the VFPS staff connected Grace with Work Opportunities in Rural Communities, Inc. (WORC). This agency provides vocational support and regularly offers their clients a wide range of volunteer and social opportunities as well. With the input of Grace and her team, WORC added lunch with peers to Grace’s daily schedule and found two volunteer jobs (one at a local library and the other at her grandfather’s assisted living center) for Grace.

Through close collaboration and planning, Grace now has a weekly schedule that reflects her unique personality and preferences!