Nolan – Youth Transition Stories

In Youth Transition Stories by Michael Gandy

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Currently Work? Yes!
Top Skills: Detail-Oriented, Versatile, Agile
Talents: Curiosity

The first step in the VFPS process always focuses on in-depth learning about the individual with a disability. The VFPS team gathers information from teachers, parents, and others. Then, direct observation and interaction are used to validate assets and strengths. In Nolan’s case, the team learned that though he is very laid back, he enjoys doing a variety of tasks and does best when provided with clear direction and a consistent routine.

Reflecting upon what they’d learned, the VFPS team recognized that a restaurant setting might be a good fit for Nolan. Restaurants offer a variety of tasks, but the tasks must be done consistently and on a routine basis. This is a good fit for Nolan, as he thrives when work expectations don’t change day to day.

Knowing that distraction might be an issue for Nolan, the VFPS team searched for restaurants that would hire Nolan to work during the hours prior to their opening for business each day. Two locally owned restaurants in Madison (Tangent and Eldorado Grill) were approached, and they agreed to hire Nolan and another individual with a disability to complete tasks well suited to their skills. This was an especially good outcome for Nolan since working alongside others provides him with many natural cues that point to ‘what comes next’ in the task sequence. These clues naturally occur in the workplace environment and help him complete tasks much more independently.

Nolan takes pride in his work! He’s a good team member and together the team ensures that the restaurant is ready to open each day, on schedule.