Want to Grow Skills and Knowledge for Remote Work? Use these Free Resources

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While not every company is continuing to embrace remote work, it looks like the increase in remote work is here to stay. As of 2023, 12.7% of people work remotely, while 28.2% used a hybrid model to split their time between working at a job site and working at home. It is estimated that by 2025, 32.6 million Americans will work remotely. (Forbes Advisor)

The switch to remote work due to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 required both employers and employees to learn new skills quickly. People learned how to work together and talk to team members using apps and software programs (hello Zoom!), advanced their computer skills to meet job requirements, and developed organizational skills to stay focused and productive.

If you are working remotely, or would like to, check out these free resources to help you keep your skills sharp and learn new ones that could advance your career options. If you are new to online learning, check out these 8 tips for effective online learning, and then get started!

Skill Building Resources

Learn More About Working Remotely