Find the Job that Fits YOU: Identify Your Job Interests and Skills

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By Sarah Lyngdal, Ticket to Work Manager

People often think the first step in their job search is writing a resume, but that isn’t true for everyone. Before diving into a job search, it’s important to consider the types of jobs that YOU are interested in and require the skills YOU most enjoy using. After all, YOU are the one using your time, talents, and energy to achieve your career goals.

Full-time employees work about 2,080 hours a year. I can tell you from my experience that enjoying what you do for work is possible (and awesome)!

Explore Your Interests

If you haven’t been interested in or passionate about your past jobs, it probably won’t make you any happier to find a job that’s exactly what you’ve previously done. Just because you’ve always been a flight attendant (or office worker, or cashier, or…) doesn’t mean that you can ONLY be that in the future.

If you aren’t sure what type of work or work setting excites you, take this opportunity to explore your interests and possible careers. Here are some resources I’ve found useful:

Discover Your Transferable Skills

Transferable skills are abilities and knowledge you can use in different jobs or situations. They come from your work and life experience, including from jobs, internships, volunteer work, and even hobbies.

Whether you’re making a career shift or just starting your career journey, you probably already have skills that could easily transfer to a different job. Here are some tools to help you discover your transferable skills:

Set Up Your Career Toolbox

Before choosing a career direction, especially one that requires training or education, it’s a good idea to learn about the job trends, required skills, projected growth, and salary range of the jobs you’re interested in.

The more you know, the better prepared you will be to make career decisions that support your long-term goals. Here are some resources to add to your career toolbox:

Get Support for Your Job Search

I hope the information and resources here are helpful to you. Once you’ve decided on the type(s) of jobs you’d like (and hopefully qualify for), contact ERI to discuss where you might find available job opportunities. We’d love to help you find your fit!

Send us an email to learn more about how our Ticket to Work Program can help you: